£2 for a 2 yr old...!!

Hey surely I'm worth more then this,
I thought you said I was priceless,
Were's the Pirates you were going to sell me too,
Primark isn't really my place daddy,
I'm a girl of the sea's now don't you know,
hey come back, nooo, don't leave me,
a bargain bin indeed, and reduced too,
surely you could have found a shelf of soft toys?
Maybe if I smile sweetly, shrug my shoulders,
You will run back.....YAY, cuddles with daddy,
that's more like it, don't you be leaving me again,
or there will be trouble!

(Primark and one empty cage stand, makes a perfect playpen!)

DISCLAIMER : NO CHILD WAS LEFT UNATTENDED AT ANY TIME, daddy was just out of shot! this little princess is priceless!

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