It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Nothing Scares me.......not even Ryan Air!

Hee hee! Here I am on our walk today. Mum and daddy took me to Felton Common which is right beside Bristol Airport.

It was sooooo lovely up there, really sunny and wide open spaces to run and run and chase rabbits.........but oh no, not for me :-( I had to stay on my lead again so that no boy doggies would try to woo me ;-)

I DID NOT like being on the lead in the wide open space smelling of rabbits. I did LOADS of wiggle woggles on my back and rubbed my face in the grass to try and get the silly lead off but I just couldn't free myself. Booo. Then, after a few failed attempts, I figured out it was much more fun to trot alongside mum and daddy and look at the view.

WHAT a view too. All of a sudden, from nowhere, this giant bus with wings flew over my head! It was REALLY loud. I looked at it a few times but then decided it wasn't worth a woof at and the rabbit smells were much more interesting! oh.....wait a minute.....mum has just was an aeroplane! Ahhhhhh I see!

Mum decided that it would be fun to get a photo of one of them flying over my head. We got ourselves into position......mum fussed about for ages, getting daddy to move me around. Then, just as the plane started flying towards us she shouted........(a very rude word!) because she had forgotten to put the memory card back in the camera! So we only got about 3 shots and this was the best we could do!! Silly mum!

Maybe next time and then maybe I will be able to be off my lead too!

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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