Chocolate Goatee

This one is straight out of the camera, no tweaking at all! Bit of a fluke these days but very pleased nonetheless Sorry - can't help it, couldn't resist the urge to tweak a little!! Just tweaked the levels a little to bring out the contrast a bit ;0) A hot chocolate goatee with a mouthful of chocolate chip cookie :)

Even though we had a slight mishap last night - I think Ben was so exhausted after a non-stop day that when he got into bed I didn't have a chance to have our little "you can't wee in the bed anymore" chat before he was fast asleep, and he ended up doing a little trickle a few hours later before realising and coming to find me with a half-asleep "mummy I wee'd in my bed" (he finished off on the potty) - I'm still hugely proud of our Ben. See yesterday's entry for my Proud Mummy Moment blip!!

We had hot chocolate for breakfast. Two reasons. Ben knows nothing of either reason, he just gets to enjoy a random hot chocolate morning! First was because I didn't enjoy my cup of tea and just fancied a hot chocolate instead of porridge after not having any grapefruit for breakfast (I have survived the lack of grapefruit this morning!) and second was just because I think he has done so incredibly well the past month. He's had a lot to deal with and cope with and on top of all that has gone and potty trained himself. I reckon if he can do it with all the upheaval that's been going on, and all the living in different places, he'll cope with it anywhere and through anything!

My jobs for the day include hoovering as much of the kitchen as possible, putting a load of crockery through the dishwasher, and transferring the kitchenette back downstairs to its rightful place. Hopefully we can cook in a proper kitchen tonight rather than on the camping stove in the temporary living room! And I have to go grocery shopping with Ben on the bus. That should be fun, especially given the weather - two minutes ago I swear the sun was shining, and then all of a sudden the heavens opened with a ferocious downpour.

At this rate though shopping is going to have to wait until Steve gets home with the car because the hoovering is going pretty slowly!

One of these days I'll have a little more time to catch up on other journals again...! In the meantime, the clock is ticking to get things done on the house: 7 weeks to get the rewire finished and our bedroom fixed up (no decorating - that's considered a luxury at the moment!) so Ben can have his new bed in his own bedroom for his birthday; and another 4 weeks or so on top of that to finish the bathroom and install the shower before the new baby arrives. Hopefully my dad and other friends will be able to help Steve as much as possible because although it's feasible timescale it's a lot to do!!

Happy Monday everyone :) x

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