Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

Flying feet running

It dawned on me that my little boy isn't so little anymore. Tomorrow we go to an open day for one of the local schools. My not-so-little Master Four Year Old will be starting school in just a few short months.
Where did time go?
At the risk of sounding terribly cliche, it really does only feel like a brief time ago that I was giving him his first cuddle after 18 and a half hours in labour.
Where the HELL did time go?

Time flies when we have fun, I guess. Time is flying, and soon the little feet in this photo will be running away from me for the school gate.

The little feet in this photo won't be following me all day, every day any more. I know he will flourish. But I will miss the sound of his little feet around constantly.
The big feet in this photo will have to re-learn to walk on their own again.

I knew all along that I would one day have to ready him for the adventures his little feet would take him on away from my big feet. It just doesn't feel real...
Or maybe I'm not ready for it yet.

"I think I fell into a strange fate
With wandering limbs..."
~ Wandering Limbs - Kimbra

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