My Magic Kingdom

By HRHCinderella

Edge of the Dam

This is a photo of home taken from the bridge as we drive from school. Our trip from school is 25km and takes 20 to 30 minutes. It is a wonderful scenic route and I have always admired many things along the way. When LuvU2 introduced me to Blip I found a way to record and share all that I see each day.

We live in a waterfront estate and are privileged to enjoy so many unique benefits. Water access for boating and fishing, wide open spaces, wild animals that roam freely, companions for our children and the security for them to have freedom and independence to ride their bikes and walk to friends houses.

I had a lovely start to my day, babysitting a 2 month old little boy for an hour and a half. Beautiful flowers were received for "secretaries day". Then the day went pear-shaped and we left school feeling emotionally drained. I guess sometimes you have days like that. Luckily tomorrow will be another day and although quite booked up, we will be able to accomplish more than today!

Quick supper planned for tonight followed by an early bedtime.

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