Matric Farewell

The big day has arrived! Ronnie jnr' s matric farewell dance is tonight! Class of 2011 is almost done! ;-)

Anrie was such a beautiful companion! She looked stunning in her purple dress with somewhat of a train! Ronnie was so proud to have her at his side!
He looked stunning himself, I dare say!! Guys, C&R snr's only child and my only grandchild, is no child anymore!

He wore a black suit with shirt to match Anrie's outfit and a smart tie with different shades of purple! I think they made a picture perfect couple! We are so proud of him! But I must admit, the past few weeks was quite emotional for us! How do you come to terms with the fact that your child/grandchild is now on the threshold of adulthood?

I relived every minute of my shopping for matric outfits for M(MissU2) as well as for C, many many moons ago, but it felt like yesterday! How on earth could we be going through this whole process now, but for my grandchild!
Good luck on your way forward my beloved Ronnie! I wish you all the luck possible for the coming final exams!

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