Nature day after day

By loveofnature


This is Muszi (pronounced 'Mew-zee') our beautiful Magpie harlequin rabbit. She is technically my sisters rabbit and it was her Hungarian ex-boyfriend, Peter, who gave Muszi to her as a present about three years ago. She's called Muszi as apparently Muszi means 'rabbit' in Hungarian but I can't find the translation and the nearest thing I can find is Nyuszi which is Hungarian for 'bunny'. Oh well looks like they got confused at some point and gave her the wrong name! Doesn't matter really as I prefer Muszi to Nyuszi :)

My sister went away to stay in Jersey a couple of years ago so I had to look after her while she was away so I'm a lot more closer to Muszi than Amy is. This doesn't mean that Amy doesn't love her the same just that I've spent more time with her ;) I actually wasn't going to use this as my blip (I was going to use this one instead) but she just happened to look up at her 'Beware! Rabbit!' sign at the right second so it had to be the one! I got the sign from a friend who stays in Belgium who also has a rabbit (called Rosie) and I remembered seeing her one and saying 'that would be perfect for Muszi as she is a little devil' and then a few days later in the post I received mine! It was a totally unexpected and fabulous gift! Thanks once again Betty :)

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