A smashing time was had...
...by all both of us.
''Winter drawers on.'' Oh Knickers!.
Sorry, couldn't resist that one.
As a result of which ''Ooer Lass'' decided she was due a new winter coat, past due I'd say.
Be that as it may, the upshot was a fruitless trudge around Keswick on Saturday and a goodly wander about Carlisle today.
One thought in mind ... New coat.
1. New coat.
1. New 10.5 tog quilt.*
1. Cover for same + a pair of pillow cases thrown in as 'twer.*
1. Packet of dried apple rings.
1. Set of three, ambidextrous, knives ''a la Katkin'' but only 33 layers. How do they get 33 layers by folding????
* = For use with the ''Purchase''. See 6th, 7th, 8th, inst.
More later.
Unfortunately two blokes had parked their bums in front of the plaque and by the time we passed on the way back they had moved, and so had the sun.
BTW Any old Cumbrian still pronounces the place as if it was still ''Carel or Care L''. with not too much stress on the L.
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