Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

A Blippable Pier

This long-disused feul pier is accessible through a hole in the fence along the Schuylkill Banks bike & pedestrian path, between the Universiy Ave. and Gray's Ferry Bridges. I've never seen anyone use it, and it does little but catch the river's floating debris and make a little playground for ducks, gulls, and the occasional cormorant. The pier is adjacent to a now-closed chemical laboratory and its weed-engulfed railroad spur.

There is very little boat traffic on the river now. A few tour boats, kayaks, and canoes still do their exploring, and you'll see police vessels once in a while, but the draw bridge very close by this old pier hasn't opened in decades, and the new parks along the banks always come as surprises, as though the spaces did not already exist.

My dear friend, who you may know as Ceridwen, is seen blip-hunting a cormorant to the Southwest.

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