
By earthdreamer

Spoilt for Choice

The Big Decision

You've been urging me to heed my own advice and take a pause while out on the moor. But, oh dear, which bench to sit upon? There is simply too much choice in our profligate world. Way more stress than I needed first thing this morning!

Only kidding! Off to see a matinee showing of "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" with the boys. Film review and catch-up later.

Later ....

The film was an interesting experience, mostly because I enjoyed it despite getting completely confused around the plot. It felt a bit like it was made specifically for those people who had read the novel or seen the BBC TV adaptation. It was all very cryptic but so beautifully filmed that in a way the plot was incidental to the mood that was created. I found myself looking at camera angles and the way that depth of field was used like I never have with a film before. The cinematography was stunning - although not stunning enough to prevent No.2 son from falling asleep. No.1 son wasn't overly impressed either. He likes his films with a well delineated plot and a satisfying denouement - which this certainly didn't provide!

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