All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The Happy Worker

Ethan's sleeping seems to have been going downhill again over the past week or so. We have tears and tantrums at bedtime, am often up during the night to re-settle him and then he wakes at the early side of what's acceptable. After a 4.30am wake up from him today (preceeded by a 4.30am wake-up courtesy of Mr Foreveryoung getting up for work when I stayed over at the Foreveryoungs the nighte before) I was shattered. As a result, I ended up taking a half day from work!

Had a few hours pottering round the house in peace and quiet before picking Ethan up from nursery. His eating has also gone downhill again (although in the main he eats fine at nursery) and he didn't want dinner. What he DID want was to help Daddy paint the hallway. Paintbrush in hand and he was a very cheery wee boy indeed!

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