My Magic Kingdom

By HRHCinderella

Small Miracles

I was so fortunate to be part of a small miracle today. Just a simple act of a phone call allowed me to join two people across the oceans who had been longing for each other yet had been unable to connect. Blip is an amazing tool which makes the world a smaller place and links people to each other like they are family members. Kendallishere this rose is for you with love from Palesa! (You do know that Palesa means flower?)

The rest of my day was taken up with school work: preparing for our birthday celebrations, enrolling new learners, updating current learners contact details, dealing with an emergency playground accident and finally receiving a brand new desk. (Don't tell anyone, but now I am really going to have to tidy my office)

My own sick children seem to be on the mend finally and I hope we are soon back to normal.

Tonight I will make ice-cream for our family celebrations on Thursday. Look out for some food Blips over the next few days!

THE ROSE today is from the third bush in my garden which is at the gate and welcomes us home. These roses are much smaller than the others but have a beautiful pink colour. I photographed the roses this morning before we left for school and I think the early morning light made the color more beautiful.

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