An odd day!
Yesterday when I was scouting for blips I found that our Mahonia is about to flower, about 2 months early, so wasn't surprised to hear on the BBC this morning that plants are getting confused. They said that we should have a spectacular display of autumn colours, good news for blippers.
This has been a whacky day.
?A's baby is due today. No sign of action, so she was test driving her new car this afternoon. Fingers crossed that her membranes don't rupture!!
?The interview that I gave to a journalist recently has been published today in one of the national newspapers and is 99% accurate. Good on him for listening, must email him tonight to say thanks. The only gripe is the use of the word "chat" that?s not what we do, but the word appears in the organisational literature, so who am I to argue. It will be interesting to see how much our call rate increases as a result!!
?Spent the day in the office trying to get the policies up to date, not my favourite responsibility and certainly not helped by the beautiful weather outside.
Looking forward to the weather holding out for the weekend.
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