Splash Morocco Ourika Valley tour.

Camels by the River in the Ourika Valley.

This was our first full day in Morocco. As it turned out, the tour to the Ourika Valley that we'd booked was going to be this day - which was quite nice as it meant we didn't have to figure out what to do or where to go and could just sit back and relax.

The morning started us going to a Berber house where we were shown around. We were shown the garden of the house - who knew avocados grew on trees - and we were taken to the rooftop to see the spectacular view. We were then invited to watch some mint tea being prepared. This was done in the courtyard of the house where the slats of the roof gave off some beautiful shadows. We relaxed a bit and ate some Moroccan bread and then it was back to the car to go and ride some camels.

I'd ridden a camel before in Dubai, but it was fun to do this again. They were congregated by the roadside - some of the camels were having a rest - while others were being turned round ready for us to get on - this was my camel!. The house across the road was quite beautiful - I even managed a shot of it from my camel. It was a short trip but fun nonetheless - think the next animal I have to ride is an elephant! There were lots of men around the stop selling necklaces - but they were ok with you saying no thanks (which ended up being a common phrase on the trip!).

Next it was a walk up to a lovely waterfall - a path that's not too strenuous if you're not as unfit as I am. In the heat I was dying and my fear of heights kept my heart in mymouth for a good portion of the trip - however the tour guide, Andy, was quite happy to keep the pace slow enough for me and to let me come along in my own time. I appreciated this as I was determined to carry on - even if I didnt show my terror at a few points there was enough adrenaline to keep me going!

Coming back down to the river we saw some tables in the stream which I guess would be nice and cooling in the heat - slightly further upstream were the camels in the blip. Walking back to the car there were several brightly coloured shops on the way. It was really rather lush by the river - so picturesque.

We stopped off at a restaurant to have some Moroccan food - and I have to say the dinner was so very tasty! The view wasn't half bad either - this was taken from the same place earlier in the day.

That was the end of the tour - it was provided by Splash Morocco - an adventure company that has it's own riad in Marrakech (which we weren't staying at but visited later in the week). Andy, the tour guide was very knowledgable and very friendly - I know I sound like I'm plugging the company here, but if you're ever over there have a look at what they've got on offer.

In the evening we headed out to Jemaa el-Fnaa, the square where it's happening in Marrakech, day or night. We stopped for some orange juice - cheap and very thirst quenching before we went and had a drink on the terrace of one of the cafes by the square. The food stalls were full of people and owners tyring to herd you in - if they knew a phrase in English they'd shout it at you to try and draw you in - 'Gavin and Stacey!' 'Sweetie cakes' 'Fish and chips!' - but we managed to avoid getting hooked in. There were caleches - horse and cart rides - available for a price. It was nice to sit above it all and relax and just watch the world go by.

I'll keep adding pictures to the set on Flickr as and when I go through them.

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