Sage trees

Although I'm not generally a fan of municipal planting, I'm quite fond of these little white-trunked trees outside the Sage in Gateshead. Well, they're opposite the bus stop outside the Sage. I've tried to get a good shot of them in the past when the ground has been covered by snow, but no luck so far. And this is not a particularly good photo of them either, but the only other image I had in the camera was of....

...a young woman who had climbed down on to the railway tracks in the middle of Newcastle Station being led away by a couple of station staff. She continued to struggle with them although they were both much taller than she. I had watched in disbelief as she got down on to the tracks and then started to cross them - it didn't have any appearance of self-destruction about it. The train that was due into the station on that line sat outside it for about ten minutes until the driver got the all clear to proceed. One of the East Coast employees said to me that she's a troubled person who's well-known in the station and that they just try to keep her (and the train drivers) from harm.

It's care in the community. No wonder our trains are late sometimes.

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