H2 is playing at blipping

By H2

Mr & Mrs Longshanks

I've just driven home from Bridlington.

It was a bit wet, very foggy in spots and at various points along the dark road I had to avoid substantial puddles that could reasonably aspire to being called floods. But I drove all the way with a smile on my face.

Not because of the witty banter on Radio 4's 'Round Britain Quiz' (which I'm sure is very clever and funny but always seems to go over my head), but because I'd just spent a truly lovely few hours in the company of the charming Mrs Longshanks and her husband.

Foolishly, I'd relied upon my iPhone for a picture, for which I realise now there wasn't really sufficient light so this is a bit ill-defined. However, you can clearly see their smiles and that will summarise the time we spent together perfectly.

Smashing evening.

Thank you.

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