Gerda's Fotojournaal

By Gerda


This day 5 years ago, I am transplantated. 2006.
In 2003 I heard my diagnosis Pulmonal Fibrosis. Never heard off before. Very rare, but bad prognosis.
My only chance for life extention was transplantation. I received one lung, The left one. I still have my right lung who doesn't function but I hope in the near future to be able to receive a right donorlung.

This picture is taken of a print of a perfusionscan. Made by radioactive material. You don't see my new lung but the way it is working. (For me this is ART)
The first time I saw this after my transplantation I was so touched. It was such a big present, given by the donor. My way to live in a better way and hopefully a longer time.

My thoughts today are with the family and loved ones of the donor. She gave me life and 5 other ones too to donate her organs. Every month on the 15 the I burn a candle for her. My way of thanking her.

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