It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Oh boy what a GREAT day!

Today I went to Westonbirt and met up with my bestest blip pals!

First there was Casper and Stanley, then there was Molly and Briar and last but not least I got to meet The Chaos Brothers all the way from sunny Scotland!

I had THE BEST time. Westonbirt is a HUGE woods with lots of beautiful trees and LOADS of other doggies there. I really didn't know what to do first!

I played a lot with The Chaos Brothers. Bro 1 taught me how to jump up high for my stick! I LOVE the Bro's, they did lots of chasing me around which you know is my favourite game.

I also played chase LOADS with my doggie pals. We ran and ran and ran and ran. Then we ran and ran and ran a bit more! It was CRAZEEEEE fun. I was on my BEST behaviour and Briar made me look even better *giggle*. I must explain..... Briar is a 6 month old puppy like I used to be like!! If there is anyone sat on the floor or having a picnic on a bench then Briar just has to go and throw herself at them! Hee hee!

Mum told me off for gigging at her. She said it is not nice for mum's as we end up apologising until we are blue in the face and get very embarrassed. Briar's mum Susi got told off by some grumpy ladies. Ooops!

I did a bit of showing off with how I pose for the camera, as you can see from the photo of me under the lovely red trees. I am really getting the hang of this posing lark now!

We tried to take a photo of all the Bro's holding onto us all together, as you can see. Mum took about 15 shots of this but not one has us all looking at the camera at the same time! Hee hee, we like to keep them on their toes ;-)

I think I was off my lead running and playing for nearly 4 hours! I have NEVER been off for that long before and boy am I tired tonight. There is a fire lit so it is time to snuggle up for the evening I think. I am going to have SUCH great dreams tonight.

I really wished I lived closer to everyone so that I could do that EVERY weekend. I am going to miss them now and so is mum. Mum said that all the mum's are in need of VERY big glasses of wine tonight as it was good fun but very hard work keeping their eye on 5 dogs and 4 Bro's!

Keep checking back at their blips, they had further to travel than me so I expect their blips will be later on tonight!

Thanks so much for a lovely day everyone :-)

Bye for now
Lily xxx

ps it is probably best viewed in large to get a closer look!

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