Travels Through A Lens

By SnapshotSam


Do you ever let out a muffled scream at the frustrations you face?

This isn't my office but one I pass on my way to work on a morning with my "skinny cappuccino with an extra shot and extra hot to take out, please".

It symbolises office life of high rise glass/concrete structures in city centres, built by architects who in turn work in small offices in the countryside, within which people are having a daily personal battle against too hot/cold/stuffy environments - don't open that window or it will mess everything up!, or no windows that open, go slow systems, new processes without training - go find out how to work it for yourself - we just install it, conference call meetings back-to-back with no time to write up one meeting note from the next, an inbox full of e-mails and tea/coffee from machines that you wouldn't drink from given the choice.

Just another day at the office :)

Happy Tuesday everyone.

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