
By karenjulia


A beautiful peony rose forms a large, tight bud that slowly opens into a huge, shaggy, colourful bloom. LARGE is good.

We know these ones well, mum and I, as she has owned the plant for years, bringing it with her from our family home to this house that she built with my lovely stepdad, Art, who is no longer with us.

We've thought and talked a lot about Art today as mum has been playing tapes from 1993 and 1994 when she and Art used to have a dance programme on Plains FM (local radio station). It's been great hearing their voices.

I am off to Wellington tomorrow for the day. Kariba was a bit down so I thought I'd go up and give her a few hugs, buy her lunch and help her start to pack up her room. She had her first exam today (one of two Law ones) and she said it didn't seem too bad.

Anticiaption is an underrated thing I think. We've got too used to instant gratification! Its good to have thinks to look forward to - good things take time as this the cheese ad says.

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