A time for everything

By turnx3

Frosty leaf

We awoke to a foggy and frosty morning, so after I'd had my morning cup of tea, I went off to Pioneer park. Unfortunately I should have got out a little earlier, as you could see the sun brightening behind the fog, and although it was still foggy in our immediate neighborhood, by the time I got to the main road, the fog had pretty much lifted. Still, it was a beautiful morning at the park, and I took quite a number of shots, which you can see here, if you're interested. Roger was taking part in an organized walk this morning, the Bridges Walk for a Just Community - his company encourages them to partake. In the past this has started by the riverfront in downtown Cincinnati, crossed one of the bridges over the Ohio, wandered around Covington, Kentucky before crossing back into Ohio over a different bridge. I have done it with him once before, and was going to do it this year, but when I discovered they had moved the location, and it was no longer by the riverfront, I changed my mind. When I got back from my local walk, I got on with some ironing and started clearing Jen's room out ready for re-decorating. In the afternoon, I finished cutting the grass for Roger as his knee was beginning to play up. It took quite a while, as although the grass hadn't grown that much, it was covered with leaves, so the bag filled really quickly. I hated to get the leaves up really, as they look so beautiful in the sun, but Roger is wanting to put one final lawn treatment down before the winter.

One year ago: Unexpected blip!

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