my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm


Night...Sunday Morning.

Hectic weekend at work, started by promoting libraries at a Children's Centre fun day today. It was great, lots of lovely families and some fab children who came and helped on the stall. It was just me and Miss not like work really!

Saima did Mehndi on both my hands - I catch up with her at all these type of events. I'm addicted to the henna and she did a great job, will blip it before it fades.

Blip is me in Miss A's wonderful Figaro. I was just taking photos of the car when A insisted that I get in the front seat and properly pose! It was a bit breezy but a good shot! It's great when we can buzz around the libraries in the Fig and arrive in style.

Then back to the library. It was shut so I was on my own, getting ready for the cub scouts to arrive at 7pm. I did the usual thing of walking round the library like I owned the place and then doing what the law dictates when left to your own devices...I built a fort! Thanks to TL for reminding me what I needed to do.

The Sleepover when well, Storytelling, Egyptian Bingo, Mummy wrapping and then bedtime stories. I very rarely get the chance to do it was nice to read to the cubs. I have 'LET ME BE!' on a stick when I read Burger Boy that I lift up when the boys have to shout as LOUD as they can and we always laugh a lot.

I stayed up till 1.30am. The last cub was spotted still up at 4.30am!


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