I keep trying, #II

In fact, as I keep saying, the Gaffer says I'm very trying.

Two, local, halves to the family...

His half went from Greystoke to Windermere and Lakeland©. Where, it is reported, there were blue skies all the way there and back.

This half stayed in Penrith, with a visibility of less than 1/4mile at best, ergo no distance shots. (No bloody distance in sight.)

Out for His Birthday meal (''Full as a Gull's egg''). I have never understood the expression ''It's to die for''. To kill for, now that's another story ... YUP I'd nearly have killed for that steak.

During conversation Clicky said she'd been shooting cobwebs.

''AAAaaaaaargh!!! You're not blipping a web are you? It's all I got today.''

Panic averted, she had been able to see more than a couple of car-lengths. So I can mount this with a straight face and a clear conscience.

The one that got away is lurking on Flickr©

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