Giving this a go...

By Debiives


It is perfectly sharp and in focus, you just need to dust your computer screen.

Clearly not the best moon shot on here tonight, I've looked at 2 which are amazing but until someone buys me a very expensive camera with a very expensive lens this will have to do.

Still not caught up but I will do. Although the more I say that, the harder it is!

Ross is in A&E at the moment I think. He hurt his foot at football last night and it was still sore this evening so he drove himself to A&E straight from work. 2 hours he phoned saying he'd be seen in an hour and I haven't heard from him since.
If he has broken it and gets put in plaster I'm not sure how he'll get home!

PS. He's just got home and it's not broken so he's been told to man up!

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