Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Mummy & daddy are in the kitchen,
I reach up and grab, check again,
I grin my cheeky grin,
and get to work, hurry now,
before they notice,
there we go, hmmm now what,
I know, I check again, get to work again,
check they not looking,
quick dash into the kitchen,
I stand arms crossed, pouting,
I rock my hips, then throw out my arms
Mummy and daddy look, and smile,
as they realize I am wearing,
Daddy's tshirt, (correctly may I add!)
and my tricorn, Looking chuffed,
I do a twirl, then run off giggling,
this dressing up stuff is so funny,
I wonder what I can try next?!
think I shall wait till they leave,
the laundry basket unattended,
and launch into it and have fun

(Mummy note, I over exposed this photo to see what it would do, and I personally love the result!)

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