The Last Bump Shot

Not quite what I wanted but given that it was 11.30pm by the time I got round to trying to take the picture and 11.45pm when Ben appeared needing a wee and wanting a cuddle (and STILL being enough of a nosey parker to want to see the picture on the camera display) this was as best I could manage!

I think that it shows off quite adequately how big baby is inside really. Especially as I'm sort of lying down. No hiding the bump lying down any more.

Good day today - up late, lazy breakfast, attempted to motivate myself to do a bit of housework and failed so went out to see Christmas pretty things with Hayley instead which we've been meaning to do for a couple of weeks now. Had lunch, restrained myself from buying anything, came home, took Ben out on his bike down to the shop for milk and vegetables, came home, thought about trying to take a blip while Ben was supposedly ensconced in front of CBeebies but he had other ideas and so did my body and we both ended up asleep for an hour and a half!

Steve came home and fitted the new curtain rail in our bedroom and midway through this my parents arrived - they are helping to look after Ben for the next couple of days while I'm in hospital and Steve's in and out looking after me.

Last night the wallpaper went up - do you like it?! I love it. Sadly we ran out of paper so couldn't finish the very last piece so we have another roll on order, hoping the colours are close enough to not be a noticeable different.

It's a transformation. We have a bedroom - our own! And it's beautiful.

Ben took half an hour after waking this morning to notice it. He was fascinated by the flowers and the butterflies! He didn't want to go to bed this evening - combination of a daytime nap, and grandparents being around - but once in his pyjamas and with his teeth all sparkly clean he was happy to get into bed and didn't take a huge amount of time to go to sleep.

I took the opportunity - being a bit bored - to time the braxton hicks contractions and to see how far apart they were. It was an interesting exercise (they were about minute long, and roughly 8 minutes apart) but I think it could get obsessive to time them now so I will not be doing that for the rest of the night unless they actually get strong enough to wake me up at which point I will be wondering if they are real contractions and not just braxton hicks.

Other than that, it's now a case of phoning Delivery Suite at 8am in the morning to see how busy they are and when to go in. And then having a bath first.

Can't deny I'm feeling a tad nervous now. Not scared-nervous, just nervous-nervous. And quite a bit excited.

The nerves could be to do with needing to go to sleep... but we're trying to put some music onto my phone and syncing is proving harder than anticipated.

By this time tomorrow........... :D

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