Occasionally processed

By Moondog

Elevated Work (unprocessed)

I've taken, in these last days working at Blacktown, to taking different routes from the train station to the hospital. Today I was struck by the sign on this real estate agent. There seems to be no graffiti elsewhere on the building; the tagger decided to elevate their "work".

I'm a bit pleased with the exposure. I decided the blinds in the window should be a mid-grey, so aimed at them (spot-metering, in aperture priority), and half-depressed the shutter release. I noted the shutter speed it recommended, went to manual mode, and set the shutter speed a bit faster (as I didn't quite believe it, based on a couple of previous shots in aperture priority), and took the shot. It turned out as I wanted it, which pleased me.

However, there was also a bit of processing here. I toyed with straightening it up a bit, but it was pretty close to level, and I think looks best as it was taken. I sharpened the whole image, then pulled down the RGB curve quite substantially to get some more colour into the sky - I painted that just onto the sky. I then added a duplicate layer, set it to multiply, with quite low opacity. I then flattened the image, pulled down the luminance a wee bit, and painted that onto the sign.

Final version here

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