Today's Special

By Connections

Local Thanksgiving

I had planned to blip our Thanksgiving dinner, but since it won't be ready until late afternoon and high wind warnings are in effect, which might result in power outages, you'll get to see only the wine. (Fortunately, we have a gas stove, so we'll be able to eat, no matter what!)

I've tried to use as many local ingredients as possible. The wine comes from San Juan Vineyards, a ferry ride away from us in Island County. Madeleine Angevine, a wine grape variety from northern Europe, grows well in this area. You can see the bottle's lovely label close up here. It's much prettier than P's beer bottle in yesterday's blip.

There are six or seven wineries in Whatcom County, including at least one that makes white wine from grapes grown locally, but I left it too late to find a bottle at our co-op. Most of the wine grapes grown in Washington state are found on the eastern side of the Cascade Mountains, where the climate is much warmer and drier.

Here's the menu (local ingredients, mostly from the farmers' market, in bold):

-- Roast chicken (organic, pasture-raised)
-- Dressing/stuffing (cooked outside the bird) (Breadfarm bread, shallots, sage, celery, chopped apple, vegetable broth, butter)
-- Brussels sprouts garnished with bacon
-- Carrots with butter and lemon
-- Potatoes (small, like new potatoes -- probably will roast them)
-- Apple & blackberry crumble (our apples, wild blackberries we picked, honey; wheat flour, brown sugar, oats, chopped hazelnuts, butter, spices) topped with honey-sweetened yogurt

Folks who enjoy having the traditional Thanksgiving dinner every year might find ours a bit odd, but we are eagerly looking forward to it! Four more hours...

(Added later today: P blipped the meal -- you can see it here. That's his plate in the foreground; mine is at the back, with a preponderance of vegetables and dressing.)

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