Scenes from my desk

By alaistairsdesk

A dark day

Well - it did take us a day to get our "Gear" out of customs, so why should I think it would get better.

The airport was supposed to have configured all their network ready for us...they hadn't.

That took a couple of hours....then they told us that they had given us the wrong settings for our end!!!

So that took most of the rest of the day to get the equipment reconfigured - and then yet more changes on their network.

So we effectively had about 2 hours of "productive time" out of the last two days.

So two days into a 3 day visit...and I think we're stuffed. Was meant to head to Dubai tomorrow night - then home on Wed. So asked my secretary to change back a day....but Dubai to Glasgow is full on Thurs.

So it looks like a Friday return :(

PS - as we hadn't eaten all day - I DID eat most of the "complementary" fruit in my room. Two apples and an orange. Just the pear left.

I bet you're all impressed....

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