Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Tuesday: Goodbyeeee

So, tonight, after two and a half years, I left my current job and my team.  As you can see, they are all suitably distressed.   From left to right, we have Mme J, the Wise One, Karen (my successor), and, yes........Penfold!!

Just to clarify, I am not actually leaving my current employment, just moving to another job within the organisation, so don't worry that I will be kicking my heels.  

I thought I would tell you a little about my job......a significant part of what I do involves helping British Nationals in distress when they are travelling abroad.  As you can imagine, this can sometimes involve very sad situations, but I thought I would share with you some of the more....odd......calls we have taken.  Remember, these are emergency calls going through to the British Embassy in wherever and then coming through to us.  So, emergencies - real emergencies.  OK, just so that is clear.....

- the chap who called because he had run out of holiday reading;
- the girl who wanted to know the Everton results;
- similarly, the woman who wanted the lottery numbers;
- my personal favourite: the bloke who rang because the hotel laundry had lost his t-shirt.  When told it was an emergency line only, he said that it was an emergency as he wanted to wear it that night........

And finally, Booky's top travelling tips, gleaned from recent years' experience:

- Always take out travel insurance.  Always.
- Keep a photocopy of your passport separate from your passport;
- Don't carry all your money and all your credit cards in one wallet and finally.....
- If you make friends with someone on the internet whom you have never met and they then claim to be in Nigeria or Ghana or Malaysia and need money, don't send them any.............

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