Before Midnight...

The very end of a very long evening spent at the Emergency Room with my silly contraptioneer and his mom who used her Life Line to give us a call and invite us over for a "help me get my feet moving" party. Getting her untangled from a little predicament and on the road again was pretty easy, but the rumbly in her lungs didn't sound good, so it was off to the E.R.

"Pretend we're sleeping" I said, just before midnight as we waited for them to take her to a room. Poor aim, but who cared...not me. "Did I make a face" said he. Uh, yeah, I'd say so, or maybe that's the face of exhaustion.

I have really wanted to spend time commenting the last few days and wanted to share my Shore Acres Festival of Lights blip with you. It is much more colorful and fun than this, so if you have time and missed it, please do take a peak.

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