Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11


You all know who this is, it is my best friend Alyssa! <3 She is again up to her crazy antics. This time it involves a fake tattoo, looking pimpin, and being in an IHOP.

Oh, my life. I can't even begin to describe it. But yes, Alyssa, Eric, and I went to IHOP for breakfast. I had never been to an IHOP before you could say I was an IHOP virgin.

The food was surprisingly really good. I mean not that I expected there to be like fingers in it or anything, but it actually tasted really good...for breakfast food.

So anyway, whenever you get Alyssa and I together, there is a big chance we will start talking about the craziest topics. Today, it was about hiring ex-convicts to serve you food. Have you ever heard of the restaurant Dick's in Mass? Well, it'd be something like that.

The food would apparently be really bad, and the people would be incredibly scary, but hey! what do you expect from a restaurant named "ICUT"?! But I do think she is on a very good thought process here. Think about it, who is going to hire a convicted felon?

Jobs in America are getting harder and harder to come by. Everyone is pointing the finger at the president, but I really think they should inform themselves before they start addressing blame. I'm not sitting here telling you all the love Obama, but I am telling you that you need to check the facts about what he is doing.

It's really easy to assign blame; especially if everyone else is doing it. I think that is America's biggest problem. We put all of our faith into the president thinking he is this magical person that with the wave of his finger can get everyone to do whatever he wants them to do. Compliance with Congress is one of the biggest obstacles a president needs to face. And if you look at Congress right now? The President is in a non-majority party.

And people wonder why Washington said to avoid political parties in his farewell address. Well, at least those who actually know about Washington's farewell address, I assume not many. But then again, you know what they say about people who assume.

I just think that the funniest part is that no one will stand up against those who are talking badly about our president because they are in the minority. People refuse to go against the grain because they hate feeling excluded and they just want everyone to like them. I'm not sitting here saying I'm an exception either. I just think a big difference between me and others who do it is I know when I'm doing it. Other people are in denial.

Want to know something that may rock your world? The economic problem we have in our country right now, it started in Bush's administration.

"The President is just a prisoner of circumstances."

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