Life on a Rock and More

By ChrisTaylor

Nature reclaims all man made stuff eventually

Lovely walk from trefin to aber castle and abermawr. Followed by a walk inland back mafry. Met up with one of the Skomer Volunteers - Shirley Mathews.

Then went for a walk in Abertawe woods. A place I had already passed but this time Shirley was my guide. She showed me the marvels of the wood. Including old estate walls, old estate buildings and the mysterious tunnels (as shirley called them) that were mainly a trench with lots of bridges. There are lots of myths about them including walkways for servents, walk ducts, and many others. But nature is reclaiming it all eventually. It always does.

It was great to hear both some of her stories of Skomer past. Nice pint in a local pub just south of Trefin - The Sloop Inn. The coast was nice. Met up twice with the D of E Assesors from the group last night.

Back in the hostel tonight.

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