
By leasko


An interesting day, which began with another appointment at the eye pavilion for a progress report on my iritis. Turns out, because I've had it several times, they're concerned that it may be a symptom of something else, so they took seven tubes of blood for tests and sent me for a chest x-ray (!). I didn't ask what they would be testing for, as I don't particularly want to spend the next week worrying about what I may or may not have. In any case, it's twenty years since my first bout of iritis, so if there is something behind it, it hasn't killed me yet!

The afternoon at work was a bit grim - I noticed on my way back from lunch that there was an ambulance and several policemen in the car park at the back of the building. Later crime tape was put up around an area behind a wall; later still a coroner's van arrived and left with a body bag. The tape came down shortly afterwards so it looks like it was a case of 'no suspicious circumstances' rather than foul play. Still, sobering.

(P.S. Sorry this image is a bit squint - haven't mastered the surreptitious photography in public places thing yet!)

UPDATE: The body's been identified. Sad.

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