Secret dog meet?!

This afternoon I went to 'Carbis Bay Beach' to play with my red bouncy ball. It was cold, it was wet, it was miserable. ....................................So why were there at least 20 other dogs there?

Quite often I have the whole beach to myself so you can't tell me that all the dog owners in the area have suddenly become very conscientious and started walking their dogs in the rain. And anyway I only met one dog that I knew.

I think there must have been a 'secret dog meet' going on that I wasn't invited to.

At first I was a little bit upset because I thought that I'd been deliberately not invited to whatever was going on. But then do you know what happened? .............

A woman with a scruffy little dog said to Ann, 'I'm glad I don't have a dog like yours'. Ann couldn't believe that anyone could be so rude about me. Then she said, 'I'd hate it if mine got as wet & smelly as yours!'

To which Ann responded, 'Well at least swimming tires her out, she's happy and she can be dried'. What Ann really wanted to say was, 'If you really cared about your dog you'd groom him'. ......................But Ann doesn't do confrontation. ...........And we so hope scruffy dog owner isn't a Blipper?!

Anyway after that I decided I didn't want to be part of the 'secret dog meet' so I just played in the sea with my red bouncy ball and ignored all the other doggies.

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