stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

"Community" Tree

Good grief, how full of Christmas spirit am I getting....

If you haven't read any of LeeAnne's one woman quest to improve the lot of our community Christmas tree, from raising, to lighting, through angst and closure I recommend it for a thoroughly good and funny read. Well, tonight, a day ahead of schedule, the barriers were removed. Huzzah!!! Very well done LeeAnne!!! Following on from her plea for additional decorations (which I doubt will happen), I decided to dedicate a wee tribute myself and took one of my unused decorations from my tree and added it.

So, blippers of Edinburgh, a call to arms! If you have any unused decorations about, stop by St. Ninians School on Restalrig Road South and pop a bauble on the tree!!!

If you decorate it, He will come!

In other news, and in complete contrast to the fun of above, we had our one to one consultations today with the management proposal to move to 24/7 cover support. As expected it's a complete farce!!! Essentially they want us to move from a single shift once a month to a full week's on call 24/7 (probably once a month too because the number of people in that rota is being reduced to senior support staff only) for a little less than half the money per day we get just now for our 8 hour shift.

Heh, I told my boss I'm not signing up for that so the ball's back in their court for the next move. To be continued...

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