my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Miss Smyth is a woman who insists...

...on hearing bad news immediately.

Got up early to head to Oldham to get outfits for the girls Xmas plays. Evie is playing a Doctor. So her outfit was pretty easy to find.

Now the bad mum part...

Jeanne did tell me she was playing a monkey but after looking at 100's of Xmas fancy dress outfits my brain just screamed out to me DONKEY NOT MONKEY.

So when they got home - I was very excited to show them the fab outfits I had got them. Tears within 5 minutes of being home...rubbish mum had got it wrong. So, got my thinking cap on and turned a brown long sleeved top into a monkey outfit - complete with rather skew-whiff tail.

But, Godammit! I did my best! And Jeanne was happy with the end result - so that's all that matters.

The poor donkeys head has been dispatched and delivered to my bed to teach me a lesson I won't forget in a hurry.

arrghgghhh arrgghhhhh arrghghhhhhh*

*Woltz - The Godfather

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