Scotland The World Over

Thought I would take part in the 'Scotland the World Over' project.

There are three reasons for this:-

1) I am almost a 'Scottish' collie. Well my owner lived in Edinburgh for more than 25 years so that's got to mean that I have some claim to a 'Scottish' heritage?!

2) I will in Scotland for 'New Year' so felt that supporting 'Scotland the World Over' would be a very patriotic thing for a little collie like me to do?!

3) We have been so busy today that Ann hasn't had time to BLIP me doing anything very interesting so she thought she'd stick a 'Scotland' flag round my neck?!

We are now all packed up and ready to go on our Christmas hols.

Tomorrow we are going to Nuneaton to stay with Ann's best friend, Caroline. Apparently Ann & Caroline are going to sit in a hot tub and drink champagne. And then they are going out for a meal. That sounds a bit 'self centred' to me. Hope Ann has organised some fun time for me too?! I'll be really unhappy if I have sit in a car for 5 hours and then don't even get a decent walk?!!

Anyway because we are going to be roaming around all over the country for the next couple of weeks and are not sure how much internet connection we will have; we thought we'd add a little reminder of the BIGGEST BLIP MEET EVER at the end of all our BLIPs for the rest of the year.

I am Molly the Gorgeous Collie and I am trying to organise an




For those of you who don't like walking there's a car park next to the Observatory - the top of the hill is only a short stroll away.

We're not planning any big major event - would just like to get as many BLIPPERS as possible together to take a few photos, though obviously if anyone wants to continue on our walk with us you'd be more than welcome.

Please just turn up (with your friends, families & pets) or BLIP or email me at for more details.

Look forward to seeing you.
Molly Collie xxx

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