People in my life #1

This is Rhian.

She is lovely and has looked after my hair for many years now. And yes, she always has that smile! She is a star!

When I went into the hairdresser's this afternoon she was dressed as a donkey - not her usual dress mode I hasten to add - and all the other staff were dressed as characters from the nativity story.

The poor girl dressed as Mary had been asked three times today when her baby was due. She had been very tempted to say Sunday just to see the reactions!

When I asked Rhian if I could photograph her she said yes without hesitation and then asked if I wanted the photo with or without her donkey's nose on. I took one of each but chose this one as it is much nicer.

Now I know I have not finished my 12 days of Christmas series yet, but I have an idea for the last two and it would be good to finish the last one on Christmas day.

So here's the first in a new series I have been planning for some time now. Look out for more through the year to come and I can promise you a baby fairly soon.

And it's not Mrs DD's!!

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