The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Welcome to Pokhara Airport

Early morning flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara in the north of Nepal. Well, it should have been an early flight at 7.30am but the mist delayed departure by two hours. We didn't mind, back in October a Mountain flight crashed, killing everyone on board, apparently due to bad weather!

We were met at the airport by our Guide, Kipit, and Porter, Dawa. The four of us squashed into a teeny car and were driven about 45 minutes to the start of the trek in Phedi. We headed up the first of thousands of stone steps as we wound our way into the mountains, walking through Dhampus and Deurali and finally reaching our bed for the night in Pothana. A simple lodge, two wooden frames with thin mattresses on. At 1950m it was one of the warmest nights we had, but it didn't feel like it to start with! The sole sourceof heat came from a wood burner in the small area where we ate, so we all huddled around it for warmth. After a simple mealof vegetable curry and rice we headed to our sleeping bags..tucked up by 7pm!!!

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