2011 photo resolution

By karenanya

Christmas interrupted

Managed to poke the boys out of bed at around 10 am with the lure of croissants for breakfast. Had a lovely hour or so unwrapping presents in turn and the boys seemed happy with our efforts despite their lack of ideas.

We've adopted a tradition of eating our Christmas meal in the evening, so had sandwiches for a late lunch. As we were finishing, we got a call from Husband's sister to say that M-in-law's house had been broken into up in Nottinghamshire (luckily, she was with us). A neighbour had spotted an open window and given her a call after informing the police. Breaking the news to her was difficult, particularly as we didn't have much information at that stage. Sister in law jumped into her car for the 90 minute journey South to check what had happened and we waited for news not knowing whether we needed to do the three hour trip North.

As we found out more, it seemed that the damage to the window and house were not too bad, that precious sentimental things were still in place and that it was only loose change that had been taken. We were advised not to go back to the house until the scenes of crime officers had been able to visit.

Once we knew we didn't have to travel, we did open our Christmas bottles and cook a makeshift meal at about 9 pm.

A memorable Christmas, but for reasons we'd rather forget.

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