It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Happy New Year walk!

Here I am.....can you see me??!! Daddy is telling me to follow him and I am trying to catch him up!

It was taken using the new technique that Uncle Shaun showed mum on Wednesday. She hopes he approves!! There are a couple more here in my blipfolio. It is of my Aunty Eve, Uncle Ross and little cousins! I'm sooooooo excited because they have come to stay for the weekend with Marma and Grandad too! YAY! I could hardly contain myself when they arrived, I zoomed everywhere and gave them a good load of kisses!

They gave me my christmas present of a red squeaky duck AND a packet of my favourite treats for sensitive tummies. I was everso good and took one from their hand's really gently :-)

We all went to my favourite beach with no sea and had a good run around whilst mum took LOADS of photos practicing her new technique! It was raining when we got there but then the sun came out to set just perfectly for us!

I do love love love having everyone to stay. I just have to remember not to wrestle my little cousins. Apparently they won't like it?!!!

I hope everyone has a lovely evening.

Bye for now
Lily xxx

Ps it is probably best to view me on my walk in LARGE!

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