blip art :: xb

By xb

To Do

Time for 'the list', but first, time to review last year's resolutions:

1 - weight loss
Yes, and no, but mostly yes. It came off, but then went back on, but on the whole I'm still better than I started last year.

2 - no more Mr Grumpy
Yes, and no, but if I'm honest, mostly no! :)

3 - no more rubbish TV
I'd say I'm better.

4 - get creative
I think this one is a Yes. OU course passed, I'm quite happy with some of my blips from the last year, and I invented Brian!

5 - self sufficiency
All of my herbs are dead. 'Nuff said.

6 - stop smoking
The easiest one. Success - I still haven't ever started smoking!

7 - do the right thing
That's a big question! Hopefully more yes than no.

So, the 2012 list - and since 2011 was only a part-success, I'm keeping it quiet. I will however reveal that I've educated myself on the inner workings on the toilet cistern, replaced the fill valve washer, and replaced the shower curtain that was starting to look a bit manky. That's a good start. Onwards and upwards!

Oh, and work tomorrow. Mustn't grumble (see number 2). :)

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