What is this? #4

Answer to what is this? #3 - Yes, it was a crab shell upside down. Don't they look weird? This one in particular is rather small, only about 3" wide. I found it on a beach in Sumburgh when I spent a weekend in the Shetlands back in July. There were plenty of them. Not too sure about which type of crab though!

Anyway. Work was generally quiet. The shop is being refurbished at the moment and, in the meantime, the whisky shop is being relocated at the basement, where we usually have the restaurant. This means that, at the moment, we don't have either a restaurant or a shop, just the tour! It feels strange having a building site instead of a shop. Looking forward to seeing what it looks like when it's finished!

So, as there is no coffee shop, we're selling cake at the whisky bar. That's bad because we have to work there with the cakes right in front of us without being able to eat them! But, I'm doing well. I haven't eaten any cake today!

The weather was much nicer in Scotland today! :)

Relaxing at home now! Thanks very much for participating with your guesses! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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