Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

When the wind blows

It was inevitable really. Six rotten fence panels v high winds. The wind won. Thankfully it only took out one of the panels but they all need replacing asap. We were trying to wait for better weather before doing the work.

This photo also shows the beautiful roofline work we had completed before Christmas. I made one reference to it when I blipped one of the workmen walking past an upstairs window. We had the soffits, fascias and drainpipes all replaced and I'm really pleased with the results.

No work again today or any phone calls with the prospect of any work next week. This has made me feel a bit low to be honest. If I'm still at home tomorrow I'm getting on the phone to remind schools that I'm still available! I might phone a few new ones up too and see if I can drum up a bit more business. I feel as though I've been out of the classroom for ages now and the thought of teaching again terrifies me!! I'm sure I'll be fine as soon as I get back in the saddle.

I spent nearly all morning ironing and trying to catch up with a backlog that had gradually accumulated over a couple of years. I put some things in a charity bag and I'm nearly there with the rest of it. I had an early dinner and then scooted off to the gym. I love going now and feel really energised afterwards. I also feel starving! I don't know whether it's the fact that I've just burnt off loads of calories and my brain is saying 'it's ok to eat crap now', or what it is, but it really does make me hungry.

My hubby took his eldest out for a meal tonight as he returns to Derby on Monday so I took the kids to Pizza Hut and it was delicious!

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