'Eyes Like Stars'

By ZombieButterfly

And the winner is...

If I have too many contenders for my Blip I ask people on Twitter to vote for their favourite. Today no one voted =( The other nominees are on there if you want to follow me and see them (crocodile, penguin, golden pheasant, llama family, tortoise, and a few others!)

This was my favourite though. I took this and then handed the camera to Nick, several seconds later the second tiger jogged over to this one and started play-fighting but the photos aren't in focus as it all happened so fast, else they'd have won hands down! Gorgeous though, aren't they?

We'll definitely be going back to Wingham again!

It was fun to be able to play with the camera in different light settings though. The bats were most difficult with their enclosure being so dark, weirdly though I got a good shot of one on my phone than we did on the EOS!

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