Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


New year, new healthy me. Hopefully!

I've had ME for a very long time and tried lots of different things to help me get well again over the years. Some have been quite sensible and some have been outlandishly insane, but so far nothing has actually worked. I've pretty much given up that anything will, other than just waiting it out.

However, this has been passed onto me from a friend of a friend of my mum's who swears it made her all healthy again after being very ill for 2 years. It's not a diet - more of an eating plan and there are other parts involved too. A new regime if you like. None of it very easy, but if it works it's definitely worth trying.

So I started the eating part today. No alcohol, sugar, red meat, dairy, wheat, additives... If nothing else I'm going to lose weight because I can't eat any of the things I love!
No more living off bread, cheese, chocolate and crisps.
No cake!
From now on treats will be nuts! Seriously. Nuts.

Thankfully theres nothing in there about not having coffee, I think I'm going to need it!

There is something about doing this for the sake of my heath rather than just to lose weight (although I also need to do that for the sake of my health!) that makes it more serious and means making sacrifies. If I'm going to do this I need to embrace it totally.
I'm actually quite looking forward to being forced to cut out all the usual crap!

No doubt I'm about to become addicted to nuts and oatcakes instead of cake and chocolate....

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