Trial and Error

By DawnC

Another New Addition

To the list of visitors to our bird wildlife feeding station.

I dropped off the dogs at the groomer's first thing this morning and took my camera because it was such a beautiful sunny and frosty morning. Driving back I stopped off and took a few frosty pictures in a field of sheep. However, just as I was about to upload a frosty sheep, I saw this little guy making himself at home on the bird table. He was there for ages and I was able to get a lot of pictures of him eating (through the window, as usual) but nearly all of them had distracting shadows across him from the bird table architecture.

Quite cute large (though not as cute as a red squirrel).

So far today the tally of visitors to the garden includes: blue tits, robins, magpies, pigeons, a rook, a long-tailed tit, a coal tit, blackbirds, collared doves...and, of course, a squirrel. It's all very distracting when you're trying to study! :)

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