Sheepish Contraptioneer

By PaulCCB

Ehh - We've seen worse!

On my way to Mom's house project today, I cruised by the Cottage. We're having some wind, and I wanted to make sure no parts of it flew away to land on the wicked witch of the east (since she's already been landed on).

Continuing to my project, I stopped by to see this foursome holding their own against the storm.
"It's terrible - When will it end?'
"Just wait - It'll be over."
"But my feathers! I just had them preened!"
"Ehh - Quit your belly-achin'! Looka that guy out on the water - He can't just stand like us, he's gotta paddle too!"
"But at least he's close to his lunch!"

Enough eavesdropping on birds - I have to go and race against time to get the house ready for the next step - But wait! - The workers can't come due to weather!

So, a more leisurely day for me, and I even got to go home and see my wife for a while and eat an excellent dinner with her and prepared by her!

What am I doing blipping, you ask? It's OK - She's right beside me blipping on her computer.

Life is good!


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