It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Snuggling again!

I have decided that I love mum the bestest today. I have followed her everywhere and whenever she sits down I want to be on her lap!

Mum was awake most of the night with Daddy and his bad flu and cough, so being as she still feels a bit peaky herself, she caught up with some zzzzzzzzzzz's this afternoon by having a nanna nap and I had a good old snuggle in. Daddy caught us on the camera *giggle*

I had a FANTASTIC play at the cricket pitch this morning. There were LOADS of my friends there. There was:

Jaffa the Airdale Terrier (I love stealing his blue bouncy ball)
Jess the collie/terrier mix (she is only 8 months and I taught her to bring the ball back!)
Bertie the westie (he is 8months and crazeeeeeee)
Tandy the black lab just like me (we had racing games to get the ball)
Dot the one eyed chocolate spaniel (she steals everybody's balls)
Mitzy the tiny little white fluffy thing! I'm not sure what she is but she can hold her own I can tell you!
Millie the cream lab just like me (she loves my mum's pockets because they have treats in there!)

We all had a massive play, stealing each others balls and then having a big jump all over each other. I am so submissive that at one point I was lying on my back with my ball in my mouth and 5 of them were jumping on me to try and get my ball!! I didn't let it go though.

So you see, even though mum and daddy are poorly, I still get a really good play everyday. All they have to do is stand in the field and throw the ball. I do the rest!

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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